Thursday, January 22, 2009

My awards show has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R. My awards show has a second name, it's P-R-E-D-I-C-T-A-B-L-E...

This year's Academy Awards nominees were announced this morning.

There aren't many surprises in this year's list. They certainly gave Gran Torino the shaft; it wasn't a great movie, but I assumed that since it was Clint's last horrah they'd give him something. Viola Davis got her best supporting actress for Doubt, which I was relieved to see. And oh happiest of happy days, Kate Winslet's Golden Globe sweeping performance in Revolutionary Road is nowhere to be found on this list. Unfortunately, looking at her competitors, she seems to have a very good chance of winning best actress for The Reader. How kind of them to give Anne Hathaway a nomination, she seems like a nice young girl. I don't know what Robert Downey Jr. did in Tropic Thunder but it must have been amazing. Once again, no Michael Sheen, I was a little dissapointed. The Dark Knight got quite a few nominations, which is exciting, but no best picture or director. And Slumdog cleaned up nicely, and will...clean up even...more....nicerly at the actual ceremony. The Wrestler only got two nominations, best song not being one of them, which was strange and unfortunate. No acting nominations for Slumdog or Burn After Reading. Too many nominations for Benjamin Button. And why is the Reader up for best picture? I don't say that because I hated it, it just doesn't seem to carry the same weight as its competitors. Also, I hated it.

Now we will hold our breath until Febraury 22nd. The excitment of the anticipation is worth the price of buying a small ventilator.

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